Top "Non-ascii-characters" questions

ASCII stands for 'American Standard Code for Information Interchange'. ASCII is a character-encoding scheme based on the ordering of the English alphabet.

How do I remove all non-ASCII characters with regex and Notepad++?

I searched a lot, but nowhere is it written how to remove non-ASCII characters from Notepad++. I need to know …

regex expression notepad++ non-ascii-characters
SyntaxError of Non-ASCII character

I am trying to parse xml which contains the some non ASCII cheracter, the code looks like below from lxml …

python encoding xml-parsing lxml non-ascii-characters
Replacing accented characters php

I am trying to replace accented characters with the normal replacements. Below is what I am currently doing. $string = "Éric …

php string preg-replace non-ascii-characters
(grep) Regex to match non-ASCII characters?

On Linux, I have a directory with lots of files. Some of them have non-ASCII characters, but they are all …

regex unicode grep ascii non-ascii-characters
Find non-ASCII characters in varchar columns using SQL Server

How can rows with non-ASCII characters be returned using SQL Server? If you can show how to do it for …

sql-server tsql sql-server-2005 non-ascii-characters
Remove non-ascii character in string

var str="INFO] :谷���新道, ひば���ヶ丘2丁���, ひばりヶ���, 東久留米市 (Higashikurume)"; and i need to remove all non-ascii character from string, means str only contain "INFO] (Higashikurume)";

javascript non-ascii-characters
Finding the Values of the Arrow Keys in Python: Why are they triples?

I am trying to find the values that my local system assigns to the arrow keys, specifically in Python. I …

python input ascii non-ascii-characters control-characters
Why is this LSEP symbol showing up on Chrome and not Firefox or Edge?

So this web page is rendering with these symbols and they are found throughout this website/application but on no …

unicode character-encoding ascii non-ascii-characters
Removing unicode \u2026 like characters in a string in python2.7

I have a string in python2.7 like this, This is some \u03c0 text that has to be cleaned\u2026! …

python python-2.7 non-ascii-characters python-unicode unicode-escapes
How do I write non-ASCII characters using echo?

How do I write non-ASCII characters using echo? Is there an escape sequence, such as \012 or something like that? I …

linux bash ascii echo non-ascii-characters