Top "Wsastartup" questions

C - Undefined Reference to WSAStartup@8'

I am using Code::Blocks, MinGW, and Windows. Im trying to initialize the winsock so that I can work on …

c mingw codeblocks winsock wsastartup
How does WSAStartup function initiates use of the Winsock DLL?

How does WSAStartup function initiates use of the Winsock DLL? According to the documentation The WSAStartup function must be the …

c winapi network-programming winsock wsastartup
Bluetooth with C++ and winsock

I'm finding it very hard to get information on Bluetooth communication in C++. Specifically I want to avoid using any …

c++ visual-studio bluetooth serial-port wsastartup
Can't connect to server (timed out if winsock.dll error 10060) when run blat command to send mail

I am using Blat that is command line tool for sending the mail from command. First I run the install …

cmd command mail-server blat wsastartup
Winsock error code 10014

string SendRequestToServer(std::string url) { struct sockaddr_in addr = { 0 }; struct hostent *host = NULL; // If the URL begins with http://, remove …

c++ windows winsock wsastartup
Is it possible to tell if WSAStartup has been called in a process?

I've started writing an ActiveX control that makes use of sockets. Applications that use this control may or may not …

windows winsock2 windows-socket-api wsastartup
MinGW + Boost: undefined reference to `WSAStartup@8'

below is what I execute D:\Just4Fun\software\>make -f Makefile.hands stest g++.exe -g -D_WIN32_…

c++ windows mingw wsastartup
WSAStartup link error

I am using EVC++ and I want to compile the program which uses the sockets. I've included #include <winsock2.…

linker evc wsastartup
c++ project wont connect to socket with error 10093

Why can't this program connect to the socket? I know that WSAStartup fails, but I can't figure out how to …

c++ sockets winsock wsastartup
Can calling WSAStartup() from several threads cause a deadlock?

I'm developing an app that has one TCP server and several UDP servers/listeners. Each server is a separate thread, …

c++ multithreading deadlock wsastartup windows-socket-api