How to generate and print large XPS documents in WPF?

bitbonk picture bitbonk · Feb 26, 2010 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

I would like to generate (and then print or save) big XPS documents (>400 pages) from my WPF application. We have some large amount of in-memory data that needs to be written to XPS.

How can this be done without getting an OutOfMemoryException? Is there a way I can write the document in chunks? How is this usually done? Should I not be using XPS for large files in the first place?

The root cause of the OutOfMemoryException seems to be the creation of the huge FlowDocument. I am creating the full FlowDocument and then sending it to the XPS document writer. Is this the wrong approach?


Cheeso picture Cheeso · Feb 26, 2010

How do you do it? You didn't show any code.

I use an XpsDocumentWriter to write in chunks, like this:

FlowDocument flowDocument =  . .. ..;

// write the XPS document
using (XpsDocument doc = new XpsDocument(fileName, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
    XpsDocumentWriter writer = XpsDocument.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(doc);
    DocumentPaginator paginator = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)flowDocument).DocumentPaginator;

    // Change the PageSize and PagePadding for the document
    // to match the CanvasSize for the printer device.
    paginator.PageSize = new Size(816, 1056);
    copy.PagePadding = new Thickness(72);  
    copy.ColumnWidth = double.PositiveInfinity;

Does this not work for you?