How to free the memory after the BitmapImage is no longer needed?

AgentFire picture AgentFire · Dec 2, 2011 · Viewed 21.3k times · Source

First, I load a BitmapImage on the Image control on the Window. Second, I work with the Image control and then close the Window.

I do it 2-3 times in a minute and my memory fills up very quickly because the images do not unload back when the window is closed.

So how to unload BitmapImage from Image.Source control manually to free the memory?


majestzim picture majestzim · Oct 23, 2014

I believe the solution you are looking for is at In my case, I was trying to find a way to delete the file after it was created, but it appears to be a solution to both issues.

Doesn't free up memory:

var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imageFilePath));

Frees up memory, and allows file to be deleted:

var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); 
var stream = File.OpenRead(imageFilePath);

bitmap.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
bitmap.StreamSource = stream;

Optionally, also freeze the BitmapImage:
