Top "Wpf-style" questions

Styles are a WPF mechanism to change the appearance and behaviour of WPF controls by modifing properties and attaching event handlers from a central point.

WPF ToggleButton XAML styling

So I have two toggle buttons that I am trying to combine - sort of. So the first button toggles …

wpf xaml togglebutton wpf-style
WPF changing button background on click

I have a set of buttons in a side panel. I want to change the background of the button that …

c# wpf wpf-style
Error: 'Cannot create unknown type '{clr-namespace:NameSpace.Properties}Settings'.'

I define my settings and styles in a ResourceDictionary: <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:…

wpf xaml styles application-settings wpf-style
WPF Override a trigger from a button style

I have below button style in window resources: <Style x:Key="MyStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <Setter …

c# wpf xaml wpf-style
Auto size Button Style

I have this Style: <!--Normal Button Style --> <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}" x:Key="NormalButtonStyle"> &…

wpf xaml autosize wpf-style
C# WPF Textblock different font color per line

I am trying to make each line of text on a WPF textblock display in a different color. I have …

c# wpf wpf-style