Top "Workflow-definition-language" questions

The Workflow Definition Language (WDL) defines data processing workflows in [power-automate] and [azure-logic-apps]

Declaring and using a "parameter" in Logic Apps

In my file LogicApp.parameters.json I've declared the extra parameter called MyFirstNewParameter full file contents below { "$schema": "https://schema.…

metadata azure-logic-apps workflow-definition-language
Parse text in Azure Logic Apps

I want to create Azure Logic App which will constantly request a specific website on the Internet and parse received …

azure azure-functions azure-logic-apps workflow-definition-language
Azure logical app current time

I have an Azure Logical app that every hour gets a file from a website and create a file in …

azure azure-logic-apps workflow-definition-language
How to get query parameters in a Logic App?

I'm trying to pass an extra query parameter to Azure logic app so that I can process below data in …

azure azure-logic-apps workflow-definition-language