Top "Winsock" questions

In computing, the Windows Sockets API (WSA), which was later shortened to Winsock, is a technical specification that defines how Windows network software should access network services, especially TCP/IP.

WinSock.h & WinSock2.h which to use?

Does anyone know the differences between WinSock.h and WinSock2.h . I know they don't use the same library (.lib) …

windows sockets tcp ip winsock
C++ - Initializing SOCKADDR_IN

I am working through some Static Analysis defects and one that is causing me an issue is this one. SOCKADDR_…

c++ initialization winsock
Socket Exception: "There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper"

I am using winsock and C++ to set up a server application. The problem I'm having is that the call …

c++ exception sockets winsock rpc
Python Raw Sockets (Windows): Sniffing Ethernet Frames

I have seen several examples of creating sockets to sniffing for IP Packets, for example using: s = socket.socket(socket.…

python sockets winsock sniffing
c++ project wont connect to socket with error 10093

Why can't this program connect to the socket? I know that WSAStartup fails, but I can't figure out how to …

c++ sockets winsock wsastartup
Winsock redefinition errors

I am compiling a project in Visual C++ 2010, but I have problems with some Winsock redefinitions. First of all I …

c++ windows visual-studio-2010 winsock redefinition
How to use getaddrinfo() on windows

I'm trying to build my APP with mingw+msys. My code usee winsock. When I compile it I take following …

c compilation winsock getaddrinfo
How do web servers avoid TIME_WAIT?

I'm writing a simple HTTP server and learning about TIME_WAIT. How do real web servers in heavy environments handle …

sockets http tcp winsock
Why did Microsoft implement sockets differently?

I'm currently in the middle of a project involving sockets, and I just use Linux's sys/socket.h file. Cue …

networking sockets winsock
How to cancel waiting in select() on Windows

In my program there is one thread (receiving thread) that is responsible for receiving requests from a TCP socket and …

c++ windows multithreading sockets winsock