Top "Winrt-async" questions

This is a tag for Windows Runtime's introduced with Windows 8 for Windows Store (previously called "Metro Style") Apps.

HttpClient: Conditionally set AcceptEncoding compression at runtime

We are trying to implement user-determined (on a settings screen) optional gzip compression in our client which uses HttpClient, so …

c# gzip .net-4.5 dotnet-httpclient winrt-async
A method was called at an unexpected time

I'm trying to iterate all files in a directory using GetFilesAsync, but every time I call the GetResults method, it …

exception windows-8 windows-runtime local-storage winrt-async
How to wait for an IAsyncAction?

In Windows Store Apps, C++(C# is similar though), doing something like IAsyncAction^ Action = CurrentAppSimulator::ReloadSimulatorAsync(proxyFile); create_task( Action ).…

windows-runtime winrt-async
How do I send an email from a WinRT/Windows Store application?

I am developing a Windows Store Application (Windows 8). I have a need to send emails based on data and address …

c# windows-8 windows-runtime winrt-xaml winrt-async
Async implementation of IValueConverter

I have an asynchronous method which I want to trigger inside an IValueConverter. Is there a better way than forcing …

c# windows-runtime async-await c#-5.0 winrt-async
How to await a method in a Linq query

Trying to use the await keyword in a LINQ query and I get this: The 'await' operator may only be …

linq windows-runtime async-await c#-5.0 winrt-async Async when writing to File has the async functions for converting an object to json like: json = await JsonConvert.DeserializeObjectAsync<T> …

c# windows-runtime c#-5.0 winrt-async
WinRT: DataReader.LoadAsync Exception with StreamSocket TCP

I'm programming a client app on WinRT in C# which connects to several servers by TCP. For the TCP connection …

c# winrt-async