Bluescreen on windows 10 after using android emulator

Franco Asole picture Franco Asole · Oct 4, 2017 · Viewed 67.9k times · Source

today after i got an update of avast i could not launch any android emulator anymore (Bluestacks 3 and NOX). When i try to launch an emulator after like 80-90% of the engine loading of the emulator nothing happens then i get a messagge of the emulator that the engine could not launche and it gives me 2 options (restart engine or restart computer) both will get my sistem to crash and i get a blue screen with errorcode 0x00000667 (not sure if i miss a 0). I already tried to disable the antivirus and to retry but got the same problem, i reinstall the android emulator but got the same result. And worst of my problems are that my computer didn't had the file protection active to restore to an prewvie point, so im stuck now and i prefer not to reset my whole computer. Any suggestion what could i do? im really in trouble here and i hope this is the right place to ask for my problem.


Sadhurshan picture Sadhurshan · Mar 9, 2018

Turning off hyper-v in your pc will fix the problem. Run the CMD in administrative mode and run this command bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off.