Moving default AVD configuration folder (.android)

Dariusz Bacinski picture Dariusz Bacinski · Jun 24, 2010 · Viewed 80.9k times · Source

After installation of Android SDK, there was created .android folder on the E:\ drive. As far as I know this is the default folder of Android Virtual Devices for configuration files.

How can I move .android folder to a different location?

(eg. from E:\.android to E:\Android\.android)


Dariusz Bacinski picture Dariusz Bacinski · Jun 24, 2010

I've found the answer.

  • Move .android folder to E:\Android
  • Create environment variable called ANDROID_SDK_HOME and set its value to E:\Android

Setting the environment variable on Windows XP or Windows 7:

  1. Right-click on My Computer and choose "Properties"
  2. Click the "Advanced" tab
  3. Click the button "Environment Variables".
  4. Add New variable