I am uninstalling some application and reading the software installation enumeration value from registry.
The problem is after uninstallation it is not changing the registry value untill unless the screen or regedit is not refreshed. after refreshing only i am getting the correct value.
Could some one help me out to refresh the regedit in python codes.
Regards, upendra
I assume that by "refreshing" the "screen," you mean restarting the computer? Regardless, you can be sure that whatever registry keys you've modified will be correctly updated after the system is restarted. The registry is updated with lazy flush and writer threads, so my guess is that the changes you're making aren't flushed back to the registry immediately, but your question doesn't provide enough information about how you're modifying these registry values for me to be able to propose an alternative solution.
Perhaps more importantly, what are you trying to do here? Are you trying to get your uninstaller to verify that your application has been uninstalled? Why is this necessary? I feel like there has to be a better way than expecting registry edits to be committed and then read back out immediately.