Getting an unknown IP Address from known MAC address using ARP?

eumoria picture eumoria · Apr 2, 2014 · Viewed 34k times · Source

I am on a Windows platform (Win7) and I have a scenario where I know the MAC addresses of devices but their IPs are dynamically chosen when booting up.

I want to write a batch script that pings these specific devices to make sure they are alive. There are many other devices on the network that I don't want to ping, just a set of 10 specific MACs I want to get the IP address from then ping them only. They are all in the address scheme 10.1.(1-255).(1-255)

This much I know, I can ping the entire address spectrum and then

arp -a > arp.txt output a document containing the list of IPs and associated MAC addresses in this format

Interface: --- 0xb
  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type           00-1f-90-c0-25-fd     dynamic           00-00-aa-a1-d3-78     dynamic          ac-72-89-a7-7e-98     dynamic          78-45-c4-2f-71-0b     dynamic          68-b5-99-8e-1c-35     dynamic          b8-ac-6f-30-00-34     dynamic          00-90-a9-6f-e0-be     dynamic   

My question is how can I (via a batch script or other automated method) find the line of the MAC address I am interested in and put the IP address into a variable that I can then use.

In UNIX I can grep but in Windows I'm at a loss.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Drew Chapin picture Drew Chapin · Apr 2, 2014

Pipe the output to find and use a for loop.

for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%i in ('arp -a ^| find "00-1f-90-c0-25-fd"') do (
    set ip=%%i
    set mac=%%j

You could alter this a bit to make a batch script that will ping by entering the MAC address like so pingbymac.bat 00-1f-90-c0-25-fd

@for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%i in ('arp -a ^| find "%~1"') do (
    ping %%i 