Batch ERRORLEVEL ping response

LastStar007 picture LastStar007 · Feb 17, 2012 · Viewed 68k times · Source

I'm trying to use a batch file to confirm a network connection using ping. I want to do batch run and then print if the ping was successful or not. The problem is that it always displays 'failure' when run as a batch. Here is the code:

@echo off
ping racer | find "Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),"
if not errorlevel 1 set error=success
if errorlevel 1 set error=failure
echo Result: %error%

'racer' is the name of my computer. I'm having my computer ping itself so I can eliminate the variable of a poor connection. As I said before, the batch always results in failure. Oddly enough, the program works fine if I copy the code into the command prompt. Does anyone know why the program works fine in the command prompt but doesn't work as a batch? Thanks


Jelle Geerts picture Jelle Geerts · Oct 15, 2015

A more reliable ping error checking method:

@echo off
set "host="

ping -n 1 "%host%" | findstr /r /c:"[0-9] *ms"

if %errorlevel% == 0 (
    echo Success.
) else (
    echo FAILURE.

This works by checking whether a string such as 69 ms or 314ms is printed by ping.

(Translated versions of Windows may print 42 ms (with the space), hence we check for that.)


Other proposals, such as matching time= or TTL are not as reliable, because pinging IPv6 addresses doesn't show TTL (at least not on my Windows 7 machine) and translated versions of Windows may show a translated version of the string time=. Also, not only may time= be translated, but sometimes it may be time< rather than time=, as in the case of time<1ms.