I am trying to copy files from server to another server every hour as files being created. I was using Robocopy for copying file, and its very useful. But now I am really stuck with this. I need to copy files with MINAGE value of minutes, something like that.
if i ran robocopy after 2pm, i should able to copy only file which created before 2PM
Robocopy MAXAGE and MINAGE only accepts date not time.
Any suggestion
Why u don't use the MIR function and run the job every 60 min via task scheduler?
Another way could be: /mot: Monitors source, and runs again in M minutes if changes are detected.
My last resort (non robocopy way):
Copy-Item c:\src\*.* -filter (Get-ChildItem | Where{$_.CreationTime -ge (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-60)}) "C:\dest\"
You could that even run via task scheduler