Top "Windows-firewall" questions

Questions referring to the firewall that comes built-in with windows.

Coinitialize has not been called error message

I am in the process of coding a console application that will create a firewall exception for my main app …

delphi delphi-xe2 console-application windows-firewall
Packet Redirection on Windows

We currently run windows on all of our machines due to software limitation. Within this however, we are needing to …

routing network-programming iptables windows-firewall
Protocol used by JDBC to connect to MySQL on different Host

I want to know what is the protocol that is used by JDBC to connect to MySQL Database that is …

mysql database networking jdbc windows-firewall
What port uses Visual Studio to connect to TFS server?

I'm using TFS Server 2013 en Visual Studio 2013. I want to make the TFS Server available via the internet so that (…

visual-studio tfs windows-firewall
Allowing a program through windows firewall

I am new to windows Firewall. I have seen this dialog and unable to relate the meaning of it. The …

windows firewall windows-firewall
How can I add a Windows firewall rule with a custom group name?

I know I can use netsh advfirewall firewall add rule or wf.msc to create new firewall rules; but when …

windows-firewall windows-networking
ClickOnce applications and Windows Firewall

It appears to me that ClickOnce applications will not work smoothly with Windows Firewall. I have been successfully using ClickOnce …

clickonce firewall windows-firewall