Top "Windows-firewall" questions

Questions referring to the firewall that comes built-in with windows.

Detect if windows firewall is blocking my program

I have an application that communicates with a NetApp device through their api. With the windows firewall on, the api …

c# windows-firewall
Vnc viewer:The connection closed unexpectedly

Vnc server is running on RHEL and I'm trying to access it from Windows-XP using vnc viewer. When I try …

unix redhat vnc windows-firewall
Adding an application firewall rule to both private and public networks via win7 FirewallAPI

A little background: Basicaly I'd like to add a program firewall access rule to both private and public networks. I …

c# firewall windows-firewall windows-firewall-api firewall-access
IPNAT.SYS running after reboot, stopping connection to server

Came in this morning to find our server had rebooted and websites were down. Server was online and able to …

networking reboot windows-firewall windows-2003-webserver
Jenkins not accessible with http://<hostname>:8080 in Windows server 2012

I have installed Jenkins in Windows server 2012 64-bit machine and want to make it available in internal network. I have …

jenkins windows-firewall
Create firewall rule to open port per application programmatically in c#

I need to open specific port for my application. I have tried using INetFwAuthorizedApplication rule per application for all ports. …

c# api port firewall windows-firewall
Deploying NetFwTypeLib to manage the Windows Firewall

My Windows service needs to create/remove certain rules from the Windows firewall. For this I interface with NetFwTypeLib in &…

c# deployment assemblies filenotfoundexception windows-firewall
Add WSL to Windows Firewall

After launching my Node.js App which also requires BrowserSync everything is working fine and I can access the App …

windows windows-10 windows-firewall windows-subsystem-for-linux
Updating existing firewall rule using API

I am able to pro grammatically add individual rules to the Windows Firewall (Server 2008 R2), however I am trying to …

c# api windows-firewall
Could not connect to MySQL: Unknown database 'logindb'

I am trying to connect to mysql database logindb using a separate mysqli_connect.php file. Here is my code: &…

php mysql mysqli windows-firewall