Top "Windows-8" questions

The successor to Microsoft Windows 7 that focuses on a new interface style for touch-based devices and tablets.

How to uninstall an app that another user installed?

I keep hitting this problem when I try to debug my Windows 8 apps and there is a copy already installed …

powershell windows-8 windows-runtime windows-store-apps windows-store
Is there a list of "standard" Tile colors for Metro style Windows 8 apps?

When I look at the start screen of my Windows 8 installation I see that bundled apps have colors from some …

windows-8 microsoft-metro
How to install the XNA Game Studio 4.0 in Windows 8?

This question is related, but NOT a duplicate: How to install XNA game studio on Visual Studio 2012? I read the …

c# visual-studio-2010 xna windows-8 xna-4.0
Horizontally center a DIV in page

I'm trying to center a div, which is the Microsoft pubCenter AdControl for Windows 8 apps in HTML5/JavaScript. <div …

html windows-8 microsoft-metro winjs
Do Windows 8 Store Apps (Metro) run in Windows 7 or XP?

I want to know whether Metro Applications developed using Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview and .Net FrameWork 4.5 can run in Windows 7 …

windows-8 windows-7 windows-runtime windows-store-apps microsoft-metro
IIS ApplicationPoolIdentity does not have write permission to 'Temporary ASP.NET Files'

I am attempting to launch a website from an 'AppPool' called 'SomeAppPool' which uses the 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' and when I do … iis windows-8
Installing USB driver for Nexus 4 (with KitKat) on Windows 8 64-bit - "no compatible software driver"

I'm desperately trying to install ADB USB drivers for my Nexus 4, which (as you might know) are required for any …

android windows-8 windows-8.1 android-4.4-kitkat nexus-4
File extension for PowerShell 3

All of us probably know .bat for Batch files. But what is the file extension for PowerShell 3 scripts? I found .…

windows shell powershell windows-8
What is a simple/minimal browserconfig.xml for a web site

I don't want to do anything special or tricky with respect to Windows 8 and pinning, I just don't want to …

internet-explorer windows-8 http-status-code-404
Run code on UI thread in WinRT

How can I run code on the UI thread in WinRT (Windows 8 Metro)? The Invoke method does not exist.

.net multithreading windows-8 windows-runtime dispatcher