Top "Windows-10" questions

The successor to Microsoft Windows 8.1 which combines features from Windows 7 and 8.1, including touch-interface and restored Start Menu.

Does MAX_PATH issue still exists in Windows 10

Can someone please tell us/me if the MAX_PATH issue still exists in (the technical preview of) Windows 10. And …

path limit long-filenames windows-10
Git Bash (mintty) is extremely slow on Windows 10 OS

I installed Git on my Windows 10 a couple of months ago. It worked fine for some time. But now, it's …

git windows-10 git-bash mingw-w64 mintty
How to install the Inspect tool on Windows 10?

Is Inspect a part of the Windows 10 standalone SDK? Is there any alternative application to "inspect" for windows 10? I want …

windows debugging windows-10
Ctrl Alt F8 disconnects displays?

Learning debugging in PhpStorm and keep accidentally hitting Ctrl + Alt + F8. I use 3 displays this disconnects the two remotes and …

windows keyboard-shortcuts windows-10 multiple-monitors video-card
Add new Microsoft Edge to web browser control?

The new Windows 10 with Microsoft Edge has arrived. I want to ask you, how can I add it to my …

c# webkit webbrowser-control windows-10 microsoft-edge
Reliable way to get Windows Version from registry

I'm checking the windows version in an installer (made with NSIS) by checking the following registry key: HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\…

windows registry nsis windows-10 version-detection
Dependency Walker with kernel32.dll on Windows 10

I tried to open kernel32.dll using Dependency Walker on Windows 10. I got the following error and warning: Error: At …

windows-10 dependency-walker
PHP Manager for IIS fails to install

I am trying to install PHP on IIS 8. Every time I start the PHP installation, PHP installs but I get …

php windows-10 web-platform-installer php-manager
How can I open a local HTML file in Microsoft Edge browser?

Since time immemorial, most web browsers have been able to open a local file if you ran the web-browser executable, …

windows winapi windows-10 microsoft-edge
How to remove extra host only network interfaces created by vagrant on windows 10?

I have recently upgraded to Win 10 and hence to vagrant 1.7.4 and virtual box 5.0.2 r102096. While bringing one of the VM …

vagrant virtualbox windows-10