A small operating system, the core components of Windows 10, designed specifically for Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.
I've got problem with executing Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. I read that ~100% case of that scenario is PS version lower than 3, but …
powershell windows-10-iot-core powershell-5.0Is there a way to set system time from my app running on a Raspberry Pi 2 in Windows 10 IoT Core …
c# raspberry-pi windows-10-iot-coreI'm looking for a way to use the RFID "RC522" on a Raspberry Pi 2.0 on Windows IOT. It is of …
c# raspberry-pi2 iot windows-10-iot-core windowsiotI am following this tutorial and get the following error: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error DEP0100 : …
visual-studio raspberry-pi iot windows-10-iot-core windowsiotMany devices/platforms are supported by Microsoft. The Banana Pi isn't listed here. But the specifications of the Banana Pi (…
windows-10-iot-core banana-piit's quite annoying now just finished with the setup and when trying to build a "Hello World" Application with Visual …
win-universal-app windows-10 windows-10-iot-coreIs there API that lists and allows us to connect to a specific wifi network by providing passcode via C# …
c# wifi raspberry-pi2 windows-10-iot-coreMy Setup: Windows 10 VM running in VirtualBox on Windows 7 Pro Raspberry Pi 3 running Windows 10 IoT Core - 10.0.16299.19 The VM can …
windows-10-iot-coreI successfully installed Windows 10 on my local machine and the raspberry pi 2. Following the directions verbatim (http://ms-iot.github.io/…
powershell windows-10-iot-core