Top "Window" questions

In computer science a window is a graphical interface to let a user interact with a program.

how to call a window's Loaded event in WPF MVVM?

It is easy enough to create a command from my OnLoaded() event handler code, but how do I call it …

wpf xaml mvvm window onload
window.onblur not working

I can't seem to get window.onblur to work properly. window.onblur = console.log('blur'); When the listener is applied …

javascript window onblur
Deleting a window property in IE

I can't find any information on this issue; why doesn't the following code work in IE? window.x = 45; delete window.…

javascript internet-explorer properties window
Creating A GUI from scratch in c++ or assembly

I have had numerous bad experiences with GUI library so I would like to know how to create a window …

c++ user-interface assembly window
Error 255 when try to create .exe using dev-C++

Today i got the most generic compile error for Dev-C++ ever Compiler: Default compiler Building Makefile: "C:\projects\" …

c++ window dev-c++
Why cant i use wildcards in TASKLIST /FI "WINDOWTITLE" function/filter?

first post. I am writing a batch file to check the windowtitle of open windows, and close them and reopen …

batch-file window title tasklist
remove subview of uiwindow?

i want to remove a view from uiwindow,so i nslog in appdelegate method,it says window's subviews count as …

ios ios5 window calayer subview
JavaScript Set Window selection

In JavaScript, there is a method window.getSelection(), that lets me get the current selection that the user has made. …

javascript jquery window selection
How to set a default Margin for all the controls on all my WPF windows?

I want to set a default Margin of 3 on all the controls I put on all my windows and be …

wpf window controls margin
window.location.href vs history.pushState - which to use?

I've been teaching myself react-router, and now I'm wondering which method should be used for going to another page. According …

javascript window react-router browser-history