first post.
I am writing a batch file to check the windowtitle of open windows, and close them and reopen them if they dont match what i want them to. (main reason is to auto restart browser if the 'page cannot be loaded').
My problem lies here...
tasklist /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Kingdoms of Camelot on Facebook - Mozilla Firefox"2>NUL | find /I /N "firefox.exe"2>NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto runningfire
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" goto notrunningfire
This checks open windows and compares their title to 'Kingdoms of Camelot on Facebook - Mozilla Firefox". This works great, UNTIL!!!
The major annoyance for me is whenever you get a facebook notification/friend request/message, it changes the title bar to (1) Kingdoms..... and then the script doesnt work.
I have spent AGES on this, mainly because i am VERY much novice at this, and i know very little about batch files and script.
So my question is this...
Is it possible to effectly add wildcards to the start of the title requirements...(note the * at front of title)
tasklist /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq *Kingdoms of Camelot on Facebook - Mozilla Firefox"2>NUL | find /I /N "firefox.exe"2>NUL | find /I "[6]"2>NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto runningfire
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" goto notrunningfire
This was the obvious solution, but it doesnt work at all, returns ERROR: The search filter cannot be recognized.
I also tried 3 ??? to represent (1) and (2) etc, but they wont work either....
Any ideas? Please aim it at a complete and utter noob.
Why don't you try
tasklist /fi "imagename eq firefox.exe" /v | find /i "Kingdoms of Camelot on Facebook - Mozilla Firefox" 2>NUL
if ....
I'm using the same approach to get the pid's of the processes that have the same window title prefix and it works.
PS: From what I've tested of tasklist command it's doesn't recognized wildcard syntax