Top "Wifi" questions


Checking Wi-Fi enabled or not on Android

What would the code be for checking whether the Wi-Fi is enabled or not?

android wifi status
WiFi Password: how is it stored and where?

Anyone knows how and where the WiFi passwords are stored on the android devices. I'm not looking into cracking it, …

android wifi
Send notification to all the devices connected to a Wi-Fi network

Is there any way to send a notification to the devices which are connected to a particular Wi-Fi network? Say, …

java android ios networking wifi
Request timed out when pinging wireless router

Recently I noticed the internet running very slowly on my laptop, which is connected to my wireless network (Netgear DGN2000). …

networking wifi ping wireless
Why is the WPA2-PSK key length limited to 63 characters?

I wonder why there is a limit of just 63 characters for the passphrase of WPA2-PSK. It's not even a …

key wifi wpa
Add wifi profile with password in windows programmatically

Is it possible to programmatically add a wifi profile to a windows operating system (minimum version windows 7)? I tried netsh …

windows powershell cmd wifi netsh
ios7 and captive portals-changes to apple request URL

It looks like in ios7 the URL that the device sends a request to to check whether it has an …

ios ios7 wifi
Android : Check 3G or Wifi network is ON or Available or not on android Device

How to check that network is available or not on android device programmatically, which throws a message or toast message …

android networking wifi 3g
Can I find the MAC address of my Access point in Android?

Can my Android app find the MAC address of the Wifi access point it is connected to? The docs for …

android wifi android-wifi
How to connect to WiFi network using Python?

I am trying to write a script in Python which will enable me to search for wireless networks and to …

python wifi