Is it possible to programmatically add a wifi profile to a windows operating system (minimum version windows 7)?
I tried netsh with add profile and connect, but it doesn't work for me. Is there any powershell commands which does this?
I want to set a wifi password for a special ssid for many clients automatically.
I hope someone has an idea or can give me a command with this sample information:
I found a way to add a wifi profile.
At first you export an existing wifi profile:
netsh wlan export profile name="WifiNetwork" folder="C:\path\" key=clear
Than you get a XML file with the following style:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="">
Than you can modify this file and import it to add this wifi with this command:
netsh wlan add profile filename="C:\path\WifiNetwork.xml"
Check your profiles with:
netsh wlan show profile
Check your profile with key:
netsh wlan show profiles WifiNetwork key=clear
I hope I could help someone with this information.