Top "Width" questions

The property which determines the size of an object on the X-axis.

How to PHPExcel set auto-columns width

I'm working with PHPExcel to export data for download. When open downloaded files, with cells have big number, it show "#######" …

php width phpexcel autosize
WPF - DataGrid Column with Width="*", but MinWidth to Fit Contents

What would be the best/right way to have a set of DataGrid columns have proportional width (Width="\*"), but to …

wpf xaml datagrid width datagridcolumn
Why is my table cell width wrong in Chrome?

I've got a table with two rows. The first row just has three cells. The second row has two cells, …

html google-chrome layout width html-table
How do I get the max value of scrollLeft?

Okay I'm using jQuery and currently getting max value of scrollbar doing this: var $body = $('body'); $body.scrollLeft(99999); // will give …

javascript width scrollbar
How to get the width of an svg:g element

I am currently working with an svg element in JavaScript. And I am new to this. My question is that …

javascript jquery svg width
How to make textarea to fill div block?

Check out how far have I got it here: [link was removed] How can I make the textarea above the …

css textarea width
matplotlib border width

I use matplotlib 0.99. I am not able to change width of border of subplot, how can I do it? Code …

python width matplotlib border
Set p:dataTable p:column width

I am trying to set the column widths of my data table. I have looked at this question for an …

jsf primefaces datatable width
Bootstrap 3 fluid container not 100% width

The issue I am thinking about implementing Bootstrap 3 into my project and I am testing out some of its functionalities …

css twitter-bootstrap width containers fluid-layout
Vimeo full width

I'm trying to have a vimeo video shown full width in web page. This is how it looks now: As …

html css video width vimeo