Top "Width" questions

The property which determines the size of an object on the X-axis.

take screenshot in chrome device emulator mode

I am using a laptop computer with a max resolution on 1366px. I want to take a screenshot of how …

google-chrome width device viewport
Flex 4 fileReference selected image file dimmensions (width and height)

I use a fileReference.browse() to select an image file from the harddrive. How can I check the Width and …

apache-flex image height width filereference
What is the design best practice for setting the page width for mobile web pages?

Different browsers on different phones have different screen resolution. Is there a best practice in the community to set the …

css mobile width mobile-website screen-resolution
Angularjs angular datatables changing column width on DTColumnDef

Version: AngularJS 1.6.4, angular-datatables 0.5.6 Question: Not being able to change column width with .withOption('width', '20%') I have looked through …

angularjs datatables width angular-datatables
make a single button width to fill parent programmatically

How do I make a single button width to fill parent programmatically? I have done this but it cannot seem …

android button width parent fill
MPDF problems with floated div widths

I have a problem that I am struggling to resolve with MPDF6 I have a web application created using codeigniter, …

html width mpdf
Is it possible to use different size (width) select box with uniform (jquery plugin)?

I want to use multiple select box with multiple width with uniform . Problem is when I do $('#small').uniform({…

javascript jquery select width uniform
GWT. How to change flex table's column width?

I can't change width of first column with CheckBoxes in my FlexTable. I tried to use filterGrid.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, "15px"); …

gwt width flextable
CSS width wierdness in Chrome and Firefox with Pure CSS

To start off with, I'm quite new to CSS still so I hope I haven't done anything horrendously stupid. Basically, …

css width column-width yui-pure-css
How to enable HTML TextArea auto width resizing?

Is it possible to have a HTML TextArea automatically resize its width with the browser window width (I mean dynamically)?

html textarea width autoresize