Top "Weekend" questions

How do I exclude Weekend days in a SQL Server query?

How do I exclude values in a DateTime column that are Saturdays or Sundays? For example, given the following data: …

sql-server tsql date weekend
Determine if Oracle date is on a weekend?

Is this the best way to determine if an Oracle date is on a weekend? select * from mytable where TO_…

oracle date plsql weekend
Count days between two dates, excluding weekends (MySQL only)

I need to calculate the difference (in days) between two dates in MySQL excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday). That is, …

mysql date datediff weekend
In Java, get all weekend dates in a given month

I need to find all the weekend dates for a given month and a given year. Eg: For 01(month), 2010(year), …

java date weekend
Remove weekend data in a dataframe

As you can see from the dataframe below, RBloomberg returns NAs for weekend dates. I want to remove the entire …

r date weekend
How to get all weekends within date range in C#

I am just wondering if there is a simple way or framework to to get all weekends within date range …

c# .net date-range dayofweek weekend
Get number of weekdays in a given month

I want to calculate the number of weekdays days in a give month and year. Weekdays means monday to friday. …

php calendar days weekday weekend
Add hours to datetime but exclude weekends and should be between working hours

I am trying to add hours to a date but want the new date to exclude weekends and only be …

c# datetime weekend