An application which calls on and consumes the response of a web service.
I am looking forward for posting some data and information on the web server through my iPhone application. I am …
ios iphone webserver webservice-clientWhat is the best practise for Disposing/Cleaning up a web service proxy instance after synchronous usage? How does the …
c# webservice-clientI'm upgrading an application from .net 1.1 to 3.5. This app connects to a WCF service. Previously the web service client was …
.net wcf security webservice-clientYes, I've read the other questions on SO, MSDN, and other sites, but I found no answers as clear as …
wcf web-services silverlight-4.0 webservice-client wcfserviceclientI work on a projet which use a Soap based webservice queried by PHP and 2 native smartphone apps (ios and …
soap php webservice-client soapfaultFor a couple of days we have problem with our app. We use SoapHttpClientProtocol in order to invoke java mbeans. …
c# web-services webservice-client soaphttpclientprotocolI've got a maven project that will consume a number of webservices. The application will be packaged as a WAR. …
java maven cxf webservice-client cxf-codegen-pluginI have a WinForms app with a Service Reference generated from a WCF service that uses WS2007FederationHttpBinding. I can't …
wcf webservice-client service-reference federation thinktecture-ident-modelI am using Spring-WS for consuming Webservice which compains if SOAP envelop has empty header element. I figured out that …
java soap webservice-client spring-ws soapheaderI am converting a Delphi 2007 program to Delphi XE2 and having a problem with the following error message: Unable to …
delphi wsdl delphi-xe2 delphi-2010 webservice-client