Top "Webm" questions

WebM is an open video encoding standard by Google.

how to replace audio track in mkv file (on Ubuntu 11.10)

I have a mkv file with webm video and ogg audio an ogg audio file I want to replace the …

ubuntu ffmpeg ogg webm mkv
Converting mkv to mp4 vs ogv vs webm

I am trying to convert an mkv file to mp4, webm, and ogv using ffmpeg and I am getting really …

ffmpeg mp4 webm mkv
HTML5 Video (both webm and MP4) are showing a blank white screen and aren't playing

I've done an hour of googling but I either suck at it, or it isn't a common issue. Here's my …

html html5-video mp4 webm
Command-line streaming webcam with audio from Ubuntu server in WebM format

I am trying to stream video and audio from my webcam connected to my headless Ubuntu server (running Maverick 10.10). I …

streaming ffmpeg webcam webm ffserver
How to play webm file in iOS video player

I want to give support of webm file in iOS , but iOS doesn't support this format to play a video. …

ios iphone xcode webm video-player
avconv mp4 to webm libvorbis buffer overflow

Trying to convert a bunch of mp4 files into webm. So I run the following command. I tried a similar …

video mp4 webm avconv vorbis
Convert mp4 to webm with transparency?

I know how to convert mp4 to webm with ffmpeg: ffmpeg -y -i me939371029.mp4 -r 30 out3.webm But I'd …

video ffmpeg transparency mp4 webm
How to encrypt WebM or MP4 file using ClearKey and then play it

I'm currently researching the subject of encrypting and playing encrypted videos in browser. I already have some successes with castlabs' …

html html5-video drm webm mpeg-dash
Error "Transparency encoding with auto_alt_ref does not work" when converting a .mov with Alpha to .webm with alpha with ffmpeg

I am trying to convert a .mov file with alpha transparency into a .webm file and have been following this …

video ffmpeg alpha webm mov
How come HTML5 video plays inconsistently in Firefox 11?

I have the following HTML5 video code on my homepage and it acts strange in Firefox 11. <video width="900" height="508" …

html firefox webm