Top "Video-player" questions

Plays the video of different formats

free video player for RTMP & support ads

I want to stream and play my videos (RTMP) from my custom server. Can anybody let me know any flash …

html video-streaming ads rtmp video-player
Creating video player using Java

I need to create a video player using Java for my project. I have already checked many examples on the …

java video-player
Android Webview app won't let video player go full screen

Hi I created a WebView app for my video site. The design of the site is a hybrid that loads …

android eclipse webview video-player
How to play mp4 video in JAVA (swing) jframe using vlcj?Is there any other way to play mp4 in JAVA?

I want to play video file in JAVA(java swing). I have used JMF(java media framework). But it support .…

java video netbeans-7 vlcj video-player
How to remove the right click menu in VLC Media Player?

I am adapting VLC to make a custom video player. I chose VLC because of its ability to play lots …

contextmenu vlc right-click skin video-player
How can I link to an .mp4 video in my site?

I have a web site and I want to link a button to a video. So whenever someone clicks the "…

html video mp4 video-player
Does video.js video player supports youtube videos?

I need customized HTML5 video player, also I need youTube videos to play. I got one HTML 5 video player vidoeJS …

html youtube video.js video-player
.NET FFmpeg wrapper for video playback

Looking for an FFmpeg wrapper usable in .NET. The wrapper must support video playback with audio. The following projects are …

c# .net video ffmpeg video-player
Objc - how to add a video player inside a UIView like this?

This player only have 2 buttons,play/pause and fullscreen,it looks like a system player,so fast and simple. I …

objective-c video mpmovieplayercontroller video-player
Java: Guide to write a custom video codec

I have quite a weird question, but here it is: Is it possible, and are there any guides for writing …

java c++ codec video-player