Top "Webkit" questions

WebKit is an open-source Web content engine for browsers and other applications, such as Apple Safari, Mail, App Store and several mobile browsers including the pre-installed browsers for Android, iOS, RIM Blackberry, Symbian, and WebOS.

Any reason to prefer CefSharp over CefGlue (or vice-versa)?

In the realm of providing a decent implementation of the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) for .Net, the two leading options …

.net webkit c++-cli pinvoke chromium
Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit

Added QT += network webkit and I tried just QT += webkit to the .pro solution file and ran qmake from inside …

c++ qt webkit qtwebkit
Webkit animation is leaving junk pixels behind on the screen

The following code puts a white box on the screen. If you run this on an iPad (you can adjust …

css ios animation webkit mobile-safari
Mobile Safari text input width bug?

Take a look at these screenshots: …

css mobile webkit mobile-website
Vertical alignment of text in container: WebKit vs Firefox

The problem is that Firefox and WebKit based browsers seem to align text vertically in different ways when contained in …

css firefox webkit html-rendering
WKWebView causes my view controller to leak

My view controller displays a WKWebView. I installed a message handler, a cool Web Kit feature that allows my code …

ios memory-leaks webkit ios8 wkwebview
How to get JSContext from WKWebView

In UIWebView, I can get JSContext through: [webView valueForKeyPath:@"documentView.webView.mainFrame.javaScriptContext"] The same way doesn't work in WKWebView …

uiwebview webkit ios8 javascriptcore wkwebview
iOS5 Images disappear when scrolling with webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch

I had previously been using iScroll plugin but wanted to drop it for the native behaviour. The initial implementation was …

ios ipad webkit ios5 mobile-webkit
'webkitIndexedDB' is deprecated. Please use 'indexedDB' instead

Does anyone know what this error means? This message started to appear in the Chrome console this week and is …

jquery google-chrome webkit modernizr
Does webKit in iOS 11 (Beta) support WebRTC?

I have a URL that is working fine with Safari on iOS11 (Beta) Audio/Video is working fine. But when …

ios safari webkit webrtc wkwebview