Top "Webcrypto-api" questions

A JavaScript API for performing basic cryptographic operations in web applications, such as hashing, signature generation and verification, and encryption and decryption.

Sign PDF with plain JavaScript

With WebCrypto API evolving and being supported by Chrome and Firefox, I would like to use it for digitally signing …

javascript pdf sign signing webcrypto-api
Accessing signing/encryption in a browser's Keystore using JavaScript - sample code? (WebCryptoAPI)

I have a web server that allows access only using X509 authentication. Works like a charm. Now I want to …

javascript digital-signature pki webcrypto-api
How to load a PKCS#12 Digital Certificate with Javascript WebCrypto API

I'm trying to sign data using the WebCrypto API, but instead of creating a private/public key and exporting it …

javascript digital-signature digital-certificate webcrypto-api
How to load a public key in PEM format for encryption?

Until now I used JSEncrypt which is able to load a public key from a PEM formatted string. And then …

javascript rsa webcrypto-api
Encrypt and Decrypt with RSA OAEP

I'm using Web Crypto, more specifically these examples: My main goal is to encrypt …

javascript encryption cryptography rsa webcrypto-api