Is there a way to extract data from Nagios as if it was a web service?

marcio picture marcio · Oct 14, 2011 · Viewed 39.2k times · Source

My situation: I'm working on a web monitoring dashboard that assembles informations from different applications and sources and generate graphs, info graphics and reports.

The applications I'm trying to integrate are CACTI, Nagios, and other local private monitoring tools. I had no problem to integrate these applications, except for Nagios (I don't have much experience with it).

What I want to know is if there is a way to use Nagios as a Web Service, or something similar, so I can expose some of the informations and use it to generate my own reports on my dashboard application.

Is it possible to do that without any epic effort?

thanks for reading.


freb picture freb · Jul 10, 2014

Nagios 4.x starting with version 4.4 now includes CGIs for JSON output. Installing the newest version of Nagios might be the easiest way to go.

See the announcement here.

Review the slides from Nagios World Conference 2013 here.