Use nagios to send xml request to web service, and retrieve response

Ben Coughlan picture Ben Coughlan · Apr 29, 2014 · Viewed 10.3k times · Source

I'm sending a request manually over Soap UI currently, the request is as follows.

   <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""xmlns:sear="">

Now, I was hoping it would be possible to sent this using the check_http class/function in nagios,

Do you know if this is possible?

I would hope it would give me the following:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
      <ns2:searchGprnResponse xmlns:ns2="">
         <ns2:areaName>Blackrock, County Dublin</ns2:areaName>
         <ns2:townName>Dublin City</ns2:townName>

I would then like to grep for, lets say "Dublin", and if the count is > 0 then it would give an OK, if it doesn't return this, then it would give a failure.

I'm new to nagios, and am finding it a bit complicated to get this working,

Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated, I was thinking CURL might work, not sure though :)

Thanks again, Ben


Tim van Dijk picture Tim van Dijk · Jul 10, 2014

It's a bit late to see your question, but hope this helps anyway.

You can do this with the check_http plugin. The check_http Nagios plugin is shipped with the Nagios Plugins package (

With the -P parameter you can POST the SOAP request and with the -r parameter you can (regex) match the response for a specific string.

From the commandline using the check_http plugin: (I had to truncate you SOAP request because I coudn't post url's with http headings...)

check_http -H -p 8080 -u "/testing" -P '<soapenv:Envelope .... </soapenv:Envelope>' -r 'Dublin'

If this works for you, then you need to create a new check command and service check definition in Nagios.

Example check command definition for the webservice command (using also warning and critical repsonse time values)...

define command {
    command_name    check_webservice
    command_line    $USER1$/check_http -H $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -u $ARG3$ -P $ARG4$ -r $ARG5$ -w $ARG6$ -c $ARG7$

...and an example service check definition

define service {
    use                  generic-service
    service_description  check_webservice
    check_command        check_http_webservice!!8080!/testing!'<soapenv:Envelope .... </soapenv:Envelope>'!'Dublin'!5!10

Please note the quoting: This is essential is these kind of checks! In the examples above I use single quotes to quote the SOAP POST request and the response.