Top "Web-administration" questions

Microsoft's API for administering IIS in .NET.

How to specify application pool identity user and password from PowerShell

I have been having lots of difficulty automating the setup of a Web application and configuring IIS appropriately with the …

iis powershell iis-7 powershell-3.0 web-administration
Import-Module WebAdministration wont load from script but does from command line

I'm coming onto a project that uses PowerShell to script the build. The build makes use of the WebAdministration module …

powershell iis-7.5 web-administration
Add-PsSnapin WebAdministration in Windows7

I want to use PowerShell to administer my IIS7 on Windows7 64 bits. I try install IIS7 Powershell snap-in http://www.…

powershell windows-7 iis-7.5 snap-in web-administration
How to check whether an application pool exists or not in IIS using powershell and web administration module?

I am using powershell to automate configuring websites in my IIS. I have the following code that creates a web …

powershell iis application-pool web-administration
How to set IIS ApplicationPool "Private Memory Limit" value using PowerShell

I'm using PowerShell for auto-deploying website, and recently found AppPool setting which cannot be set with PS. or at least …

iis powershell web-administration
Powershell command works in Powershell but not inside of a script, why?

I wanted to outfile my IIS Bidings to csv or txt , I am simply playing around a bit using that …

powershell iis powershell-4.0 web-administration