Top "Weak-linking" questions

Weak Linking - check if a class exists and use that class

I'm trying to create a universal iPhone app, but it uses a class defined only in a newer version of …

ios backwards-compatibility weak-linking
GCC style weak linking in Visual Studio?

GCC has the ability to make a symbol link weakly via __attribute__((weak)). I want to use the a weak …

c++ c visual-studio gcc weak-linking
What does it mean to "weak-link" a framework?

In Xcode, I can set a framework to "Optional" instead of "Required", which then means the framework is weak linked. …

ios xcode frameworks weak-linking
How to make gcc link strong symbol in static library to overwrite weak symbol?

My problem can be summarised in the following: bar.c: #include <stdio.h> void bar() { printf("bar\n"); } …

c gcc ld weak-linking
How do I weak link frameworks on Xcode 4?

I need to weak link some framework with my target. But I can't find how to do it... If I …

objective-c xcode frameworks weak-linking ios-frameworks
how can you find out if an NSObject has a certain property?

Let's say in Apple API version 1.0, there is a class NSFoo with a property 'color'. API 1.1 adds property 'size'. I …

objective-c properties weak-linking
Weak-linking vs "--as-needed"

I'm having trouble with using a library that contains weak-symbols and the --as-needed linker flag. Example (This uses the Jack …

gcc linker jack weak-linking
Does LLVM/Clang support the 'weak' attribute for weak linking?

In brief: does LLVM/Clang support the 'weak' attribute? I'm learning some Arduino library sources (HardwareSerial.cpp to be more …

c++ linker clang llvm weak-linking
Dynamic loading and weak symbol resolution

Analyzing this question I found out some things about behavior of weak symbol resolution in the context of dynamic loading (…

linux dynamic-linking dynamic-loading symbol-table weak-linking
How to access weak linked framework in iOS?

I want to use Twitter framework for iOS 5, but be able to run my app in older OS. I added …

objective-c ios frameworks xcode4.2 weak-linking