Top "Wcf-web-api" questions

The WCF Web API project allows WCF developers to expose their APIs via HTTP.

Web API concurrency and scalability

We are faced with the task to convert a REST service based on custom code to Web API. The service … wcf-web-api
Extract contents from HttpResponseMessage

I'm recieving an object of type System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage<List<T>>, how do I get …

.net casting wcf-web-api
WCF Web API vs ASP.NET MVC JSON web services

What is the advantage of using new WCF Web API over ASP.NET MVC 3 to expose a lightweight JSON Web …

.net wcf rest wcf-web-api
WebApi HttpClient for .NET framework 3.5

Is there any package available of WebApi for .Net framework 3.5? I'm specifically looking forward to use HttpClient component of WebApi. …

wcf rest wcf-web-api
WebApi with EF Code First generates error when having parent child relation

I am breaking my head over this issue. I did find something on the internet about it, but not a … entity-framework rest ef-code-first wcf-web-api
Can I have both a Controller and an ApiController for the same thing?

I've just started to use the VS 2012 RC, and I'm creating an ASP.NET MVC 4 web application in which I … .net wcf-web-api
JSON.NET Serializer for WCF REST Services

I am trying to use the NETFx Json.NET MediaTypeFormatter nuget package to swap out the default DataContractJsonSerializer in my … nuget wcf-rest wcf-web-api nuget-package
Consuming WebApi in MVC3

Using WebApi, what is the best way to consume a service in a MVC client? If the response comes back … razor wcf-web-api
Autofac and IDisposable interface

Assuming that I have the following interface and class: public interface IFooRepo : IDisposable { //... } public FooRepo : IFooRepo { //Methods here //Properly implement …

.net autofac wcf-web-api
Removing headers from the response

I need to cloak certain headers generated by ASP.NET and IIS and returned in the responses from a ASP.… wcf-web-api