Top "Watir" questions

Watir (pronounced water) stands for Web Application Testing in Ruby.

Locating a LI element using :text using watir-webdriver

I am trying to locate and click on a jQuery menu element, the menu is defined as multiple UL elements …

watir watir-webdriver
Using Watir-webdriver how to check the URL of a page

I am new to watir-webdriver automation, apologies if its a basic question of automation. But the thing is I am …

ruby automation watir watir-webdriver
How to set WATIR focus on new window

I'm new to WATIR testing (and do I love it!) and have run into a wall on how to refocus …

ruby automated-tests watir watir-webdriver webautomation
How to remove all non - ASCII characters from a string in Ruby

I seems to be a very simple and much needed method. I need to remove all non ASCII characters from …

ruby watir
ruby watir to get html of a page

I have looked through the examples on these pages …

ruby watir watir-webdriver
Watir. Scroll to a certain point of the page

I am trying to automate an online survey on a website but I get this error each time: Selenium::WebDriver::…

ruby watir watir-webdriver ruby-1.9.3
How to get the number of elements having same attribute in HTML in Watir?

I have a HTML document which contains elements having the same class name. I could just do an iteration over …

ruby watir watir-webdriver
How do I send key stroke Enter in Watir

I need to automate the action of hitting 'Enter' key on keyboard after entering a text in a text field. …

watir keystroke
Ruby Watir: Clicking OK on JavaScript Alerts?

Seems none of the code I've tried has any affect. My intention is to close any and all JavaScript prompts …

javascript ruby ubuntu watir firewatir
Watir Webdriver counting number of items in a UL list

I've done a few searches and I'm unable to find a suitable answer. Basically I have an unordered list which …

watir watir-webdriver