Top "Watir" questions

Watir (pronounced water) stands for Web Application Testing in Ruby.

Opening a browser in fullscreen mode using watir-webdriver

I know this is a very silly question. Yet, am not able to find how to make the browser open …

ruby watir watir-webdriver
Clear input field and enter new info using Watir? (Ruby, Watir)

Pretty positive you have to use .clear, or maybe not as it doesn't seem to be working for me, maybe …

ruby watir
Disable chrome download multiple files confirmation

I developed a crawler with ruby watir-webdriver that downloads some files from a page. My problem is that when I …

google-chrome google-chrome-extension watir watir-webdriver selenium-chromedriver
how to scroll a web page using watir

I am trying to scroll a web page to find and click on a content that is lazily loaded when …

ruby cucumber watir watir-webdriver
How do I change the page load Timeouts in Watir-Webdriver (timeout in .click method)

I have the following code => 'Generate Report').click => 'byTotalValue').wait_until_present(180) …

webdriver watir watir-webdriver
Setting browser window size in Watir-webdriver

How can you specify the size of the browser window opened when you call the following with watir-webdriver? browser = Watir::…

watir watir-webdriver
Chrome on remote webdriver (via Grid) failed to start

I'm having trouble launching Cucumber test with Chrome using remote webdriver capabilities on Grid (1 linux hub and 1 linux node with …

google-chrome selenium webdriver watir selenium-grid
Watir: How to verify text is NOT present in web page

I'm writing a test where I delete a record, and I need to verify that the record is no longer …

ruby browser text watir verify
no such file to load -- ffi_c (LoadError)

This problem is bugging me for a couple of days now... Whenever I'm using the .bring_to_front method require "…

ruby watir
How can I get value of element custom attribute with Watir

I have HTML that looks like this: <input custom_attribute="so cool" type="text" /> I would like to …

html internet-explorer watir