Top "W3c-validation" questions

You can use W3C validation services to check HTML documents, CSS stylesheets, Atom/RSS feeds, and more.

Autocapitalize attribute on input element (used for iOS) breaks validation

As can be seen here, Safari and Safari for the iPhone support all HTML elements, including deprecated elements and even …

ios forms input w3c-validation
Clearing a floated <li> correctly

i dialy deal with float: left; and the CSS-reset by Eric Meyer with class="clearfix". But there is one special …

height css-float w3c-validation
"Bad value expires for attribute http-equiv on element meta"

Ok so I have been using the wrong code for I don't know how long now - it seems that &…

html meta w3c-validation http-equiv
Closing tag with ID property

Question: If I close any html tag in this fashion (Including the id property): <div id="tagid" >...more …

html closures w3c doctype w3c-validation
W3C validation error for input type=date

<input type="date" max="1995-12-31" class="form-control" id="dob"/> When I try to validate with W3C …

html w3c-validation