Top "Http-equiv" questions

The 'http-equiv' attribute for the HTML 'meta' element makes the element a pragma directive that as the same effect as whatever HTTP header has the same name as the attribute’s value; e.g., Content-Type or Content-Security-Policy.

X-Frame-Options is not working in meta tag?

I want to restrict my site content to be used in other domains through iframe control. The recommented meta tag …

html x-frame-options metatag http-equiv
Declaring character encodings in HTML

Should I declare charset like this: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html" charset="utf-8" /> or like this: <…

html character-encoding meta http-equiv
"Bad value expires for attribute http-equiv on element meta"

Ok so I have been using the wrong code for I don't know how long now - it seems that &…

html meta w3c-validation http-equiv