a plug-in manager for the Vim text editor.
I can't Install Vundle I've followed the instructions on GitHub; git clone https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/…
vim vundleI am trying to install Vundle on my Macvim. I followed the following link to get Vundle. I also configured …
macos vim-plugin vundleI had old vundle installed. Instead of using git pull to update vundle, I removed old vundle from ~/.vim and …
linux vim vundleI'm using vundle as my plugin manager for vim. However I'm having trouble installing ctrlp plugin. When I execute :BundleInstall …
vim vim-plugin vundle ctrlpI am having trouble getting Vundle for Vim to work (I am on Ubuntu 14.04). Here the relevant part from my .…
ubuntu vim ubuntu-14.04 vundle