Top "Vuelidate" questions

Use this tag to ask questions related to the validation library vuelidate.

Displaying error messages in vuetify when validating nested object with vuelidate

I am using vuelidate to validate my form input and display the error messages using vuetifyjs. I managed to do …

validation vuejs2 vuetify.js vuelidate
Vuelidate: validate on click, not when field touched

I'm kinda new to vuelidate, and everything works fine, except I have no clue how to run validation only when …

javascript vue.js onclick vuelidate
How do I dynamically set validations fields in vuelidate

I'm using VueJS2 with vuelidate library. I can validate the fields based on the validation objects. The validation will execute …

validation vue.js vuejs2 vuetify.js vuelidate
Vue js vuelidate custom validation

I'm creating basic stock management system. In there, the invoicing I want to validate, the price user enter must be …

javascript vue.js vuejs2 vue-component vuelidate
Vuelidate: validate form with sub components

How to work with validations of nested components inside a parent component with Vuelidate? I would like to change parentForm.$…

vue.js vue-component vuelidate
How to use Vuelidate minValue maxValue

I can't find how to check greater than 0, as minValue(0) also accepts 0, but if using minValue(1) then any decimal between 0 …

javascript vue.js vuelidate
Vue-test-utils: using $nextTick multiple times in a single test

I'm writing unit tests for vuelidate validation in my component. I figured out that the $touch() method is called asynchronously, …

javascript vue.js vue-test-utils vuelidate
Vuelidate date input field

I hope someone can clarify to me, how to properly use Vuelidate while validating Date object. I want to use …

vuejs2 momentjs vuelidate
Vuelidate check box validation

I am using Vue.js and I am new on it. I am currently working on validation. I had used …

vue.js bootstrap-vue vuelidate
How to set validate rules in vuelidate to have value same as a field of an object?

Let say I have a vue component with data like this: data: () => ({ form: { old_password: { data: '', type: 'password', …

javascript forms vue.js antd vuelidate