Top "Vue-resource" questions

An HTTP client plugin for Vue.

Vue.js - How to properly watch for nested data

I'm trying to understand how to properly watch for some prop variation. I have a parent component (.vue files) that …

javascript vue.js vue-component vue-resource
CORS issue with Vue.js

I'm using: Vue 2.0.3 vue-router 2.0.1 vuex 0.8.2 vue-resource 0.7.0 And after trying to login to my page when using remote API, not the …

javascript azure vue.js vue-resource
Push to vuex store array not working in VueJS

I'm using Vuex to show a list of users from 'store.js'. That js file has array like this. var …

javascript arrays vue.js vuejs2 vue-resource
Check if value exists in vuejs

I have data : 1,2,3,4,4,5 & my code like this: <div id="looping" v-for="display in editlistAssesments"> {{display.test_id}} &…

vue.js vue-resource
Include global functions in Vue.js

In my Vue.js application I want to have some global functions. For example a callApi() function which I can …

javascript vue.js vue-resource vue-component
Params field is empty in $router.push

Consider this: this.$root.$router.push({ path: '/dashboard', params: { errors: 'error' }, query: { test: 'test' } }) I use this in my …

vue.js url-parameters vue-resource vue-router
VueJs dev tools panel not showing

I started using vue dev-tools in my application but it is not visible when in developer mode in Chrome. I …

vuejs2 vue.js vue-resource
Is there any way to 'watch' for localstorage in Vuejs?

I'm attempting to watch for localstorage: Template: <p>token - {{token}}</p> Script: computed: { token() { return …

javascript vue.js vuejs2 vue-component vue-resource
VueJS Read Dom Attributes

I want to get the href attribute to the button click event. <a v-on:click.prevent="func($event)" href="/…

javascript vue.js vue-resource vue-component
Vuejs synchronously request before render data

I have single page application that requires authentication. When user was authenticated then visit some pages or hit reload button …

javascript vue.js synchronous vue-resource