Top "Vue-directives" questions

Difference between @click and v-on:click Vuejs

the questions should be enough clear :). But I can see that someone use: <button @click="function()">press</…

vue.js vue-directives
Vue JS - How to restrict special characters in an input field?

What's the best way to implement text-character restrictions in Vue JS ? I am looking to achieve with RegExp so that …

vue.js vuejs2 vue-directives
Dynamically data doesn't update when changing v-model input value in Vuejs

I am building a weather app with this Weather API. I am trying to add an <input> field …

vue.js data-binding vuejs2 v-model vue-directives
Vue.js v-model with dynamic list of radio buttons

I am trying to make a reuseable vue radio-button component that will take a variable name, and an object containing …

vue.js radio-button v-model vue-directives
How can I capture click event on custom directive on Vue.js?

I am trying to learn Vue.js and came to an practice example where I need to implement a custom …

vue.js vuejs2 vue-directives
Vue js how to prevent button clicked on two times continuously

I have a button, user can click the button more than one time if he want. But when the user …

javascript vue.js vuejs2 vue-directives
Decimal Formatting in Vue Framework

I am new to Vue Framework. My requirement is to add money currency formatting in an input box. Formatting: I …

vue.js vue-component vue-directives
v-else-if not working in vuejs : Failed to resolve directive: else-if

I am using "if" and "else-if" but is giving me compilation error. [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve directive: else-if this …

javascript vue.js vue-directives
Vuejs . What do $v And $event denotes in Vuejs?

What do $v and $event denote in Vue.Js? What and in which situations do we use these. Please elaborate …

javascript vue.js vuejs2 dom-events vue-directives