Top "Vue-cli" questions

Vue CLI is the official tooling for bootstrapping and maintaining your Vue projects.

What is the purpose of main.js & App.vue in Vue App

I don't understand the exact purpose of each file. Suppose, I want to put authentication code, where should I place …

vue.js vue-cli
How to set API path in vue.config.js for production?

I'm using vue cli3 for setup. I already have devServer api set up as such in vue.config.js file: …

webpack vue.js vue-cli
Vue CLI Favicon

I am using the Vue CLI webpack template, but struggling to load my own favicon. I have run vue init …

vuejs2 favicon vue-cli
Location of webpack config file in vue-cli webpack project?

I used cli to create a vue.js project. I used the webpack template for it. I have been working …

webpack vuejs2 vue-cli
Vue-cli 3 - Material design icons installation

How do I install vue-material-design-icons in my Vue CLI 3 project? I've been trying to use it without any good result, …

vue.js vuejs2 vue-cli vue-cli-3
How to configure Vue CLI 4 with ESLint + Prettier + Airbnb rules + TypeScript + Vetur?

When creating a new project with Vue CLI v4.0.5 with checking the options for TypeScript and Linter / Formatter, you are …

typescript vue.js eslint vue-cli prettier
Include 'normalize-scss' in Vue CLI 3

Just added the package normalize-scss to my new Vue project, but none of the styles are being applied... I've tried …

vue.js sass vue-cli normalize-css
Vue CLI build and run index.html file without server

I'm using the latest vue-cli version 3.0. My current issue is that whenever I run npm run build the files generated …

vue.js vuejs2 vue-cli
How to configure Vue CLI 4 with ESLint + Airbnb rules + TypeScript + Stylelint for SCSS, in VS Code editor with autofix on save?

Note: This is a similar question to my previous question on the topic, which was left partly unsolved and after …

javascript typescript vue.js eslint vue-cli
How to add vue-cli to the existing project?

I have a project on Vue.js using Webpack. And I want to add vue-cli features to it so I …

vue.js webpack vue-cli