Top "Volumes" questions

Copying files to a container with Docker Compose

I have a Dockerfile where I copy an existing directory (with content) to the container which works fine: Dockerfile FROM …

docker copy docker-compose volumes
docker mounting volumes on host

I have successfully been able to share folders between a docker container with volumes using docker run -v /host/path:/…

docker mount-point volumes
Remove a named volume with docker-compose?

If I have a docker-compose file like: version: "3" services: postgres: image: postgres:9.4 volumes: - db-data:/var/lib/db volumes: db-data: ... …

docker docker-compose volumes
Docker - cannot mount volume over existing file, file exists

I'm trying to build a data container for my application in Docker. I run this command to expose some volumes: …

ubuntu docker volumes
Docker creates files as root in mounted volume

I'm using Docker (1.3.1) to build RPMs inside a container: docker run -v /home/matt/build:/build build-rpm /build/ …

docker file-ownership volumes
how can I create a data-container only using docker-compose.yml?

This question is coming from an issue on the Docker's repository: I can't figure …

docker docker-compose volumes
What are data volumes?

What are data volumes? How would you define them? How would you calculate the data volumes for a website.

data-storage volumes
Error when creating volume with openstack dashboard

I got an error when trying to create a volume via the openstack dashboard, after installing openstack guided by this: …

openstack cinder volumes
Docker: change folder where to store docker volumes

On my Ubuntu EC2 I host an application using docker containers. db data and upload data is being stored in …

mongodb amazon-ec2 docker ubuntu-14.04 volumes
docker container logging on host via volumes

I'm trying to have my container log into /var/log/app, a directory on the host machine. Unfortunately, changes made …

logging docker mount volumes