A void pointer (void *) in C and C++ is a pointer that points to a memory location with no specified type.
Inspired by this answer about dynamic cast to void*: ... bool eqdc(B* b1, B *b2) { return dynamic_cast<void*&…
c++ comparison void-pointers language-lawyerI am writing a generic linked list implementation in pure C. struct Node { void *value; struct Node *next; }; struct LinkedList { …
c generics printf void-pointers generic-programmingGiven the requirement that I need to store the value of a "generic" pointer in a struct and have no …
c pointers void-pointersI'm reading some code in the Ogre3D implementation and I can't understand what a void * type variable means. What …
c++ pointers void void-pointersif I have the following code: int i = 5; void * ptr = &i; printf("%p", ptr); Will I get the LSB …
c++ c pointers void-pointersWhat inherent advantages do boost::any and boost::any_cast offer over using void* and dynamic_cast?
c++ boost void-pointers variadici'm trying to pass data with void pointer and then cast it to (pData *) type. What am i doing wrong? …
c void-pointersI want to keep the smart behavior of std::shared_ptr. So is there a way to cast a shared …
c++ shared-ptr void-pointers reference-counting