Top "Voiceover" questions

VoiceOver is a screen reader for users with visual and ambulatory disabilities built into Apple's OS X and iOS operating systems.

Can you force a screen reader to read numbers as individual digits?

Phone numbers are typically all digits, ignoring parens, dashes, pluses, etc., so input fields for phone numbers are typically numeric. …

accessibility voiceover screen-readers jaws-screen-reader nvda
Accessibility: How to always set the focus on the navigation item's title view

I'm using a UINavigationController in my app. When using VoiceOver the backButton has the focus, when a new ViewController is …

ios accessibility voiceover uiaccessibility
How to disable accessibility for a view including all it's subviews?

When I set isAccessibilityElement = NO on a view that contains subviews with isAccessibilityElement = YES, VoiceOver still detects them. I need …

iphone ios ipad accessibility voiceover
VoiceOver parent and child views as accessibility elements

I have a simple UIView hierarchy. There is a parent view A which contains view B and C. If I …

ios uiview accessibility voiceover uiaccessibility
Is there a way to customise Accessibility label on the navigation bar back button?

I am trying to find a way to customise the accessibility label for the back button on the navigation bar …

swift ios8 accessibility voiceover uiaccessibility
How do I get the currently focused element when using VoiceOver on iOS?

I have a table with cells that the user may swipe to mark them "completed". I am trying to make …

ios objective-c accessibility voiceover
Initial VoiceOver selection

I'm adding VoiceOver support to my app. So far, so good, but I'd really like to be able to specify …

ios accessibility voiceover