Top "Voice-recognition" questions

Voice Recognition means identification of the person talking and is frequently misapplied to mean "Speech Recognition" - identification of what is being said.

Windows 8 speech to text and text to speech API

I guess the question pretty much says it all? And I would prefer not to access cloud services such as …

windows windows-8 text-to-speech voice-recognition speech-to-text
How to mix Grammar (Rules) & Dictation (Free speech) with SpeechRecognizer in C#

I really like Microsofts latest speech recognition (and SpeechSynthesis) offerings. http://estellasays.…

c# speech-recognition sapi voice-recognition
Convert speech to text in android without internet and google server

I have a list of english words. I want search with voice. When I say word display list of words. …

android voice-recognition speech-to-text cmusphinx
How do I use Android SpeechRecognizer as a service?

I am trying to run Android voice recognition as a service. I can verify that the onCreate() and onStart() methods …

android service voice-recognition
Muting the Google voice recognition beep sound

I have a test app that uses Google voice in a continuous manner and it plays the beep sound every …

android speech-recognition voice-recognition android-speech-api google-voice-search
Android: Voice recognition

[possibly duplicate] But I didn't find answers to my questions below. I've been doing some research on voice recognition for …

android voice-recognition
Does the Google speech recognizer on Android need internet?

I use the following code to invoke the voice recognizer by google: // This is a demonstration of Android's built in …

android voice-recognition
Angular2: Web Speech API - Voice recognition

After reading the documentation of webkitSpeechRecognition (voice recognition in Javascript) I tried to implement it in Angular 2. But when I …

javascript angular voice-recognition typescript1.8 webspeech-api
Speech recognition with x-webkit-speech does not work in Chrome

I am trying voice recognition using x-webkit-speech,i have also checked it is supported in my chrome browser , but it …

google-chrome voice-recognition
Can I have a speech recognition on Firefox?

I currently have for my web application a speech recognition functionality achieved with a Speech Recognition library named annyang. This …

google-chrome firefox cross-browser voice-recognition