Top "Vmware-player" questions

VMware Player is a virtualization product from VMWare that is free for personal use.

Clipboard Copy and Paste does not work in VMWare Player 12

i can copy and paste text and files between Virtuelle Maschine (Windows 7) and my local Windows 7. But I can't copy …

windows-7 virtual-machine clipboard copy-paste vmware-player
VMware: "Unexpected response from vmware-authd: 501 Global command GLOBAL server to non-host agent targets not supported"

I have VMware Server 2.0.1 and VMware mui 1.0.9 installed on a remote host. When I try to connect to the server (…

VMware player: could not find component on update server

I installed MacOS 10.15 "Catalina" on VMWare Workstation Player in Windows 10 as host. Now I want to install VMWare Tools so …

virtual-machine vmware-player
Can VMware PLayer Workstation (free) run multiple VMs at at time?

That may be a simple one, but I have several VMs created under VMware. I have a couple of versions …

linux vmware-player
bridged network not working VMware player

I am using VMware-player-7.0.0-2305329, when I configure bridged network configuration to connect to the local-host network, it won't connect …

How to do port forwarding on VMWare Player 14.1.2 (Ubuntu 18.04 guest, Windows 10 host)?

I have a VMWare Player (14.1.2 build-8497320) running a Ubuntu 18.04 guest on a Windows 10 host. The Ubuntu guest has a LAMP …

portforwarding nat vmware-player
How to overcome keyboard configuration in VMWare Player ?

Sorry for asking a stupid question but I have a problem that makes me crazy. I am trying to install …

vmware virtual-machine vmware-player vmware-tools